3238 Laclede Station Road
Maplewood, MO 63143
Download the Qless App to sign in remotely
Office Manager: Lauren
Office Phone Number: 314.645.1044
Fax Number: 314.645.1426
Text only: 314-939-0420
Days Open:
Monday - Friday - 9am to 5:00pm.
Office Closure for Holidays in 2025:
New Year’s Day (01/01/2025)
Martin Luther King Day (01/20/2025)
Lincoln’s Birthday Observed (02/12/2025)
President’s Day (02/17/2025)
Truman’s Birthday (05/08/2025)
Memorial Day (05/26/2025)
Juneteenth Observed (06/19/2025)
Independence Day (07/04/2025)
Labor Day (09/01/2025)
Columbus Day (10/13/2025)
Veterans Day (11/11/2025)
Thanksgiving (11/27/2025)
Christmas Day Observed (12/25/2025)
Additional Days closed:
01/06/2025 (Snow Day)
The Maplewood License Office offers the following services to the elderly and customers who have a disability.- Curb Side Service- Special Appointments- Assistance with Changing or Replacing Plates & Tabs.- Assist in and out of license office and process transactions in waiting area.- We assist elderly and disabled customers ahead of other customers.- A wheelchair is available in our lobby. Free Wifi is available in our lobby, there is no password and is listed as LicenseOffice. We also offer a Motor Vehicle Drop off Service everyday of the week.